What is SAT?
The Scholastic Assessment Test is a standardized test for most admissions in the United States. The school students seeking admission into undergrad course in the US and international students seeking admission in US colleges need to take this test.

Is SAT used for any purpose other than admissions?
SAT score is crucial even in deciding whether you deserve scholarship or not. Many merit scholarships are given based on the performance of students in the SAT.

What skills are measures in SAT?

The SAT measures the skills you have learned in and outside your classroom during school days and measures how well you can apply that knowledge in undergrad courses.
The test consists of three sections:
Critical reading: this includes sentence completion and passage-based reading questions.
Mathematics: this includes multiple choice and student-produced response questions based on math that college-bound students typically learn during the first three years of high school.
Writing:this has multiple choice questions and a written essay.

How is the SAT scored?
The final SAT score is an aggregate of three scores ranging between 200 and 800. The three scores are writing score, math scores, and critical reading score. Thus, the perfect scores is 2400 while minimum possible score 600 (which is practically considered zero)

What is the duration of the test?
The total test runs for 3 hours 45 minutes testing time and three breaks of five minutes each. Thus, total test time is 4 hours including the time allotted for breaks.

Do we have minus points for wrong responses?
Yes, for each correct response, you get a credit of one mark. For each incorrect option, ¼ of a mark is deducted. However, no negative scoring is affected if you leave a question without answering.

1.Subject area:Math

Question types:Multiple answer questions Student produced responses

Sections and Time:Two 25 minutes sections One 20 minute section Total time 70 minutes

Score range:200 – 800

2.Subject area:Critical reading

Question types:Sentence completion Critical reading : long and short passages

Sections and Time:Two 25 minutes sections One 20 minute section Total time 70 minutes

Score range:200 – 800

3.Subject area:Writing

Question types:Essay presenting your view point. Multiple choice – error identification Improving sentences and paragraphs

Sections and Time:25 minute essay section 35 minute multiple-choice questions in two sections

Score range:200 – 800